
On Vitamin D

 “I’ve never seen you so happy.” This statement was uttered by my then-boyfriend on a sixty-degree day in February my junior year of college. His sentiment was bold but not hyperbolic. We had gotten together in the fall, so he had yet to see his girlfriend intoxicated with vitamin D.


On Showering

Some people cherish showers, seeing them as an opportunity to incubate with their thoughts, to escape external stressors, to get clean. I like being clean; I like having showered, but often the process is too tedious to enjoy the isolation and warmth.


On Getting Coffee

When you have nothing to do during the day, you can avoid feeling like a bum by going to a coffee shop. Maybe you’re unemployed; maybe you work nights; maybe you’re a student on winter break. Leaving your house, for any reason, can save you from feeling as though you’ve wasted a day. Wasting a […]


On Snoozing My Alarm

 I am a very tired person. In 2016, when I was a sophomore in college, my primary care physician told me I was iron deficient. A few months afterward, I wrote a song called “Iron,” of which the chorus was: Summer check-up during which I came to learn / That my body’s messed up because […]


On Going to the Library

My conversations are either had with my friends over text, my parents over dinner, or myself over lined paper. In my spare time, I go to the library—mostly to create some semblance of productivity, convincing myself that sitting in a room highly saturated with words will give me a purpose. It is often the most […]


On Having a Campus Crush

When you have a crush on a small college campus, you develop a kink—in your neck. Your head swivels left and right, up and down (depending on the height of your crush). Eventually your body adapts and allows your head to rotate 360 degrees. This happens, of course, because an ugly part of you insists […]


5 Signs Your Bad Boy Fetish Is Becoming Too Literal

This article was published on the website for The Skidmo’ daily, Skidmore College’s only intentionally satirical newspaper. Admit it. If you are interested in men, you have probably gone through a “bad boy” phase. The leather jackets, the cigarette smoke, the low GPA—irresistible. But is it possible to take your love of bad boys to […]


Hey There, Soul Sister: Inspired Girl Chooses Music Minor with the Help of her Ukulele

This article was published on the website for The Skidmo’ Daily, Skidmore College’s only intentionally satirical newspaper.  As this year’s sophomores enter spring semester, they face the decision of which majors to declare. While this choice can determine their academic and even career paths, few anticipate the surprising difficulty of choosing their minors. To help […]


Skid Complimenter Exhibits Newly Aggressive Behavior

This article was published on The Skidmo’ Daily website. The Skidmo’ Daily is Skidmore College’s only intentionally satirical newspaper. If you’re like most college students, then you probably spend a lot of time on Facebook. And if you’re a Skidmore College student, then you’ve probably seen the daily posts from Facebook user “Skid Complimenter”—a page […]


Freshman Claims There Were “No Good Rides” at Club Fair

This article was published on the website for The Skidmo’ Daily, Skidmore College’s only intentionally satirical newspaper. Like any college, Skidmore takes pride in its ability to foster an active, inclusive community through student-run clubs. And when I say inclusive, I surely don’t mean The Sonneteers, because they sure had no problem excluding me despite […]