My friends,
Please forgive me for how long it has been since I have tickled your brains with my whimsical words. I have been up to my tits in my MFA work and general 2020 bullshit. I’m sure you understand.
The main reason I am posting is that I got published! Many of you know that I am currently in my second and final year of my MFA program in creative nonfiction. So did I publish a gritty personal essay about trauma? Will there be metaphor? Deep introspection? Moody cigarette smoking?
You see, I stumbled upon @dailydrunkmag on Twitter a few months ago, and after submitting to (and winning) a Shrek-themed tweeting contest, we became mutuals.
Tonight’s contest: in 280 characters, tweet us a story about this glorious picture of shrek. Our favorites will be posted on the site.
Sworded men charge at Shrek from all angles. “Come on, guys,” he chuckles before wrapping his meaty hands around a clay mug. “Can’t we settle this over a pint?”
Over heavy breathing and clanking armor, Shrek hears Farquad’s booming voice shout, “Yes!”
They drop their weapons.
I am someone who is afraid to fail, and, even though I fancy myself a pretty good writer, I just couldn’t see myself actually getting published (even though I was published in an undergraduate journal in 2018, but now I’m a big girl and can’t submit to those anymore). It wasn’t until last week that I said, fuck, why don’t I try to actually submit something, ya know, something that isn’t a Shrek tweet?
So I did what writers are supposed to do when submitting and browsed the website. I saw short essays, short fiction, short lists, all very cheeky. I saw they had pop culture pieces and was like, yes, my wheelhouse. I thought about lists, pop culture, satire, and remembered one of my favorite satire pieces, What’s In Prince’s Fridge?, published by the Heavy Table. And I was inspired:
What’s In Harry Styles’ Junk Drawer?

It’s a minute-long read, if that. You have no excuse not to read it. If I’m being honest, I’m a big fan of it. Go me.
If you really want to be cool, and if you’re a fan of me (like I am some of the time), then you might want to share the article on social media. To make it real easy for you, here are posts you can share/retweet:
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Thank you for tuning in! I hope to send out more newsletters as my semester winds down. Stay safe and warm and cozy, and, as Harry Styles himself would say, Treat People With Kindness.
Lizette R-J